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  • Exterior & interior silo inspection
  • Reinforcement of 12 failing roof beam pockets
  • Repairing spalling concrete & cracks


14 grain storage silos were inspected for exterior and interior concrete spalling. Multiple roof beam pockets across several silos exhibited particularly severe deterioration. In addition, concrete spalling, delamination, and exposed reinforcement were observed on exterior shells and wall joints of multiple silos. Industrial Access performed recommended concrete repairs and installed an additional steel beam pocket reinforcement system to ensure silo safety and sufficient structural integrity.


Project completed in about 6 weeks


Completed during a pre-scheduled outage


Completed without any near misses or safety incidents


A flour mill facility in the southeastern USA operates a group of fourteen 135’-tall concrete grain-storage silos. Some of the silos were reported to show signs of exterior concrete spalling and delamination, exposed rebar, and roof beam pocket deterioration. Several roof beam pockets were in particularly poor condition, with severe cracks and spalling in the concrete as well as gaps between the roof slab and the top flange of some of the roof beams. A lot of this damage was suspected to be a result of repeated movement and overstress caused by the usage of the interstices. Industrial Access (IA) was contracted to inspect the fourteen silos and develop a repair strategy targeting areas with the most severely degraded concrete.


The technicians at IA are highly trained in rope access rigging and techniques to deliver services at maximized efficiency and safety. For this inspection and repairs, expert rope access techniques were utilized to access interior and exterior silo walls, in addition to existing personnel elevators and man-lift platforms.


Once mobilized, IA crew began the beam pocket repairs. A total of twelve beam pockets had deteriorated to the point that the main roof support beam was no longer properly supporting the roof slab, so IA set up a steel structural system reinforcement mechanism for each of the beam ends in need. Firstly, support brackets were installed under the interior beams to pull the beams up and keep them in place. Angle sections were bolted to the existing beam web to transfer the vertical load of the beam to the exterior of the structure.  Exterior wall brackets were bolted into place, designed to provide an alternate load path and transfer the load from the deteriorated beam pocket to concrete that was intact and thereby bypassing the deteriorated beam pocket. Any missing or damaged concrete around the beam pockets was repaired and patched shut.

IA also performed spall repairs to interior and exterior silo walls. Any loose or failed concrete was removed, surfaces cleaned, and any corroded reinforcement steel was appropriately treated and protected. Spalled concrete was cut away, scored, and area prepared for high-performance repair mortar application. Any cracks were raked out and sealed, thus concluding the silo repairs.


The repair and reinforcement services were completed successfully and on time, restoring the silos’ structural integrity and returning them to safe and stable operating conditions. It is critical to regularly inspect and monitor the condition of silo roof beam pockets to prevent them from losing end support, which could lead to silo roof collapse. Detecting occurring damage early will allow for more efficient repairs and effective failure prevention.

For additional information about our company and services we provide, please give us a call anytime

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